Working with MyPoints

Many users have asked us to add Weight Watchers Point calculations to our software. While we can't legally add such a feature, we did add a point calculator to Living Cookbook. The MyPoints calculator can be customized to emulate virtually any point system based on calories, fat and fiber content.

  1. On the Tools menu click Options.
  2. Enter values for the Calorie, Fat Grams and Fiber Grams coefficients. Weight Watchers uses 50, 12, -5 and 0 respectively, but you could enter other values for other point systems.
  3. Note  In the United Kingdom Weight Watchers uses 0, 0, 70 and 4.

  4. Click OK.
  5. The MyPoints values will display at the bottom of the nutrition table for recipes and ingredients.
  6. Note  Weight Watchers is a registered trademark of Weight Watchers International, Inc. POINTS and 123 Success are trademarks of Weight Watchers International, Inc. Authentic information about the program is only available at your local Weight Watchers meeting. This application is not affiliated with Weight Watchers International in any way, and Weight Watchers has not reviewed this application for accuracy or suitability for Weight Watchers members.

About recipe nutritional analysis

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Nutrition analysis tutorial

About recipe nutritional analysis